Protect your vision with ChromozoomVision

Chromozoom Control Centre

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DNA test Vision

Chromozoom Control Centre
  • Tested genes: 140
  • polymorphisms: 181

Why do some people wear sunglasses almost all the time, while others don’t? Are their eyes more sensitive to the sun, or is there another reason? The answer is in your DNA. Discover how to protect your eyesight from diverse and damaging environmental influences.


Reports included in this DNA test:

  • 01

    Age-related macular degeneration

    AMD is the top cause of vision loss in people aged over 50 – and yet it’s highly preventable if you take the right lifestyle measures. Under this widely-accepted, research-backed test, we look for particular variations in the CFH and ARMS2 genes that are the hallmark of AMD – up to 70 per cent of AMD sufferers share these polymorphisms. AMD happens when the yellow spot at the back of the eye degenerates, usually due to sun damage. The macula is rich in brightly coloured carotenoids that filter out blue and UV light in order to protect the retina. If you have light coloured eyes or high blood pressure, we doubly advise you to take this test and follow our advice diligently. If you’re high risk for AMD, consider getting close family members tested too.

    • Tested genes: 26
    • Tested polymorphisms: 43
  • 02


    When pressure builds up in your eyeballs until it damages the optical nerve, you get glaucoma. It’s the world’s leading cause of irreversible blindness. Find out if you are genetically prone to having high eye pressure, and what lifestyle measures you can take to prevent glaucoma developing.

    • Tested genes: 27
    • Tested polymorphisms: 33
  • 03

    Diabetic retinopathy

    About one in three people with diabetes, get deteriorations in their eyes, mostly due to uncontrolled blood glucose damaging their retinas. Find out if your eyes are genetically vulnerable to this complication of diabetes. Even if you’re revealed as high risk, you can protect your vision for decades to come by cleaning up your lifestyle, and beefing up your intake of the key nutrients we recommend.

    • Tested genes: 39
    • Tested polymorphisms: 40
  • 04

    Myopia - Nearsightedness

    Short-sightedness is about 67% inherited. By identifying your genetic risk early, you can protect the quality of your vision in years to come by taking extra care, for example to avoid eye strain.

    • Tested genes: 36
    • Tested polymorphisms: 39
  • 05


    Having an irregularly shaped cornea tends to run in families. Astigmatism – where the eye is shaped like a rugby ball instead of a football – may just result in blurry, distorted, or fuzzy vision. But having an irregular cornea can also affect your night vision, cause eye strain or irritation or even a squint and headaches. Astigmatism may be brought on by an eye inflammation or injury. And rates rise with age – the over-65s are about four times more likely to have astigmatism compared with under-16s. Take our DNA test to discover your risks of developing this eye issue, or passing it on to your children.

    • Tested genes: 6
    • Tested polymorphisms: 6
  • Change your life
  • What you get
  • Don't miss any detail
  • Data protection
Meet your best self

Meet your best self

Everybody sees the world differently – and not just metaphorically speaking. From colours to peripheral vision, every visual parameter is unique.

All you need is here

All you need is here

Your test reports are continuously updated based on your lifestyle changes. All information is presented in easy-to-read graphical displays via your personal Control Centre.

Continously updated results

Continously updated results

In your Chromozoom Control Centre, you have access to detailed analysis of your DNA results, which we continuously update in line with the latest scientific studies.

Tailor-made for you

Tailor-made for you

Receive personalised lifestyle recommendations based on your DNA analysis. Thanks to the wide range of genes we test, your recommendations will be truly unique.

Dive in your DNA

Dive in your DNA

With the Vision DNA Test, you will receive 5 genetic reports that uncover your genetic predisposition to some of the most-feared visual defects.

Smart now, happy later

Smart now, happy later

Take preventive action at an early stage to avoid or reduce complications in later life. We test predispositions to age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.

Maintain healthy eyesight

Maintain healthy eyesight

Following your Vision DNA Test results, we’ll provide you with a personalised nutritional prevention strategy based on your genes.

See the difference

See the difference

By identifying your genetic predisposition to myopia and astigmatism, you can make the right lifestyle changes to protect your eyesight now and in the future.

Your privacy is untouchable

Your privacy is untouchable

We guarantee your privacy and data protection in full compliance with GDPR.

We are transparent about the data we collect, store, and use.

To ensure unbreakable anonymity, all personal data is stored separately from your genetic profile.

As a result, no team member can connect you to your DNA sample during the analysis process.

Top level data protection

Top level data protection

We use the latest technologies to prevent and report on data breaches and network attacks.

With real-time data scanning, our system evaluates risks and notifies network administrators about potential issues.

That is why we can guarantee the highest level of privacy, reliability, integrity and data availability for our clients.

Always available

Always available

Our applications are configured across many geographically distributed data centres.

This reduces the risk of both data breaches and technical issues, from uncomfortable slowdowns to momentary unavailability.

Ensuring that your data is always secure and available is our top priority.

No third party sharing

No third party sharing

In cases where we use third-party services that may need access to your personal data.

For example courier companies, we follow a rigorous selection process, ensuring that they comply with strict data protection regulations.

We do not sell, lease, or share client data with any third parties.

Any and all personal data can be destroyed on request.


Mobile Control Centre

Your DNA test results are accessible 24/7 via any modern mobile device.


Health Kit access

View personalised recommendations in line with the latest scientific progress in genetics.


Always connected

Wherever you go and whatever you do, you’ll always be connected.

Mobile Control Centre Health Kit access Always connected

DNA Collection Kit

The DNA collection kit serves as a tool for collecting the DNA sample from the comfort of your home.

Every kit contains:

  • pre-paid box
  • kit registration card
  • CE certified sterile packaged swab
  • comprehensive guide


Request a DEMO

If you are interested in our product, request access to demo account here. Leave us your email and you will receive login information.